Thursday, June 16, 2011

Heliconius Sara Butterfly

Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly
Heliconius Sara Butterfly Heliconius Sara Butterfly

The Sara Long-wing or Heliconius Sara Theudela is a common, tropical butterfly at the edges and in the more open areas of the lowland jungles of Costa Rica. I like and love Heliconius Sara because it is one of most beautiful and awesome butterfly in the world, with it's wide screen wings and it's incredible color and combination make this Heliconius Sara absolutely beautiful.

Sara Long-wing butterflies lay their eggs on passionflower (Passiflora spp.) vines, and since Sara Long-wing butterflies are one of the species of Heliconius that engage in pupal mating, adult male Sara Long-wing butterflies will also seek out these larval food plants. Male Sara Longwing butterflies will search for the distinctive pheromones of female pupae on the passionflower vines. Once a male finds a female pupa ready to emerge the next day, he will wait there perched on it and then mate with the new female just as she is emerging.

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